
I believe that each student already possesses some unique strengths and capabilities, and my role as an instructor is to provide students with the right tools and information to let their talents emerge. I rely on case-studies, in-class debates, and small group activities as these methods encourage in-depth conversations by students of diverse opinions, cultures, and backgrounds, while keeping my lectures still structured.


  • Strategic Management (Spring 2022)

@Penn State

  • MGMT 471: 007 – Strategic Management (Fall 2019)
    Teaching Evaluation: 6.68/7 (Outstanding)

  • MGMT 471: 002 – Strategic Management (Spring 2019)
    Teaching Evaluation: 5.88/7 (Good)

Selected Comments:

“Alessandra was extremely knowledgeable in the subject and brought a lot of great experience as well as examples that really helped us understand all topics. She was extremely helpful to each student and took time to explain anything that was not being understood. I believe she did an amazing job being her fist time as an instructor”.

“Very well structured slides. Easy to follow presentations. Great examples of real-life applications. Alessandra made sure everyone understood the topic before moving on. Material evenly split over the semester.I liked how exam questions were open ended so I could explain my thought process/answer”.

“Alessandra was awesome. Enjoyed going to class, which is extremely rare for me”.

“I enjoyed all the case studies and applying concepts that we learned in class to these case studies. I also enjoyed Alessandra’s perspective on the subject matter”.

Teaching Assistant @ Bocconi University

  • Executive MBA, SDA Bocconi (Supervisor: Prof. Marco Tortoriello)

  • Organizational Design and Fundamentals of Organization) (Supervisor Prof. Giuseppe Soda)

  • Social Network Analysis (Supervisor Prof. Giuseppe Soda)

  • Leadership Skills (Supervisor Prof. Ekaterina Netchaeva)

  • Organizational Behavior (various faculty members)